One of the top tools is GPTZero, built specifically to identify text produced by large language models. It includes multi-step analysis options, including Deep Scan for deeper analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection, and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based AI detection. GPTZero is geared for teachers, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals, with pricing from free to premium, and it's updated regularly to ensure accuracy and innovation.
Another good option is GPTKit, which uses a multi-model approach to detect ChatGPT-generated text with high accuracy. It's free to use after registration, offers team sharing and English language support. The tool stores input text temporarily while it's being processed then deletes it, making it a good option for verifying content authenticity.
And if you want to detect AI more broadly, AI or Not offers tools to detect AI-generated content not just in text but also in images, audio and identity documents. That can be useful for fraud prevention and misinformation spotting across a range of media. The service offers detailed detection reports and a single dashboard to monitor AI risks.