If you're looking for a wealth optimization platform that uses AI to protect against economic bubbles and outperform the market, Macroaxis is a great option. Macroaxis is an AI-powered platform for self-directed investors, finance academia and fintech professionals. It includes features like robotic origination, thematic portfolios, AI-driven optimization and portfolio analytics with more than 100 modules. It also integrates with brokerages and offers generative buy-or-sell signals so you can rebalance your portfolio at your own pace. The platform has three pricing tiers, including a Silver plan at $39.40/month and a Premium subscription for financial advisors and money managers.
Another option is RAFA, which includes a collection of AI agents including Analyst Pro, Options Guru, News Guru, Strategy Whiz and Quant Pro. RAFA offers real-time portfolio alerts, daily investment ideas, risk strategy implementation and portfolio risk analysis. It also lets you track options activity and screen stocks. The platform is designed to help you spot hidden risks, detect unusual market activity and gauge news sentiment. RAFA is available for a 14-day free trial, then $29.99 per month or $249.99 per year with a 17% discount.
For those who want real-time market data and AI-powered investment advice, Pluto offers intelligent portfolio management and smart summaries. It taps into more than 40 data sources, including Zacks, Motley Fool and Market Watch, to give you immediate answers to your investment questions. Pluto also offers portfolio optimization recommendations after you link financial accounts, so you can easily manage and optimize your investments. The service is free, but a Pro tier costs $8/month and adds more features.
Last, Calypso is an AI-powered platform that combines public data with advanced AI capabilities, making it useful for equity research, hedge funds and individual investors. It offers company information, AI-powered insights and earnings previews. With tiered pricing options, including a Basic plan at $10/month and a Professional plan at $120/month, Calypso offers a wealth of AI-powered insights to help you make informed investment decisions.