OpenArt is a general-purpose AI art generator that turns text-to-image prompts and your own creative ideas into images. It's got a variety of AI drawing tools and editing abilities, so it's good for artists of all skill levels. You can try different artistic styles, fine-tune models to suit your needs, and even train your own AI models.
Photosonic is another good option. The service generates royalty-free images in seconds from plain text prompts, covering a range of art styles from abstract to photorealistic, portraits and landscapes. It's good for creating original images for social media posts, blog posts or landing pages even if you don't have any artistic ability.
If you want more control over image creation and editing, could be just what you're looking for. It's got a broad range of tools like an AI Generator, Image to Video conversion, and AI Canvas for expanding images. It's good for high-resolution image generation and lets you use a variety of community-trained AI models you can customize to your needs.