Informed-AI-News is an AI-powered news aggregator that each day selects the most important news from more than 2,000 sources, using a scoring system that combines factors like objectivity, social importance, credibility and other factors to try to produce high-quality information. It can also generate AI-produced summaries and filter out some of the noise, making it a good way to stay up to date with current events without being limited to a single source.
Another good option is AYLIEN, which aggregates more than 1.3 million news articles per day from 90,000 sources and uses natural language processing to add its own tags and sentiment analysis. It has more advanced search and analysis tools, including real-time data visualization and multilingual support, so it's a good option for businesses that need a single source of truth for news around the world.
For a more personalized approach, Rio offers AI-powered news briefings based on your interactions and verified news from trusted sources. It supplies full articles, unencumbered by ads or paywalls, so you can avoid misinformation and stay up to date with a curated selection of news from around the world.