Northern Light

Extracts insights from authoritative sources with generative AI, blending human and machine intelligence to inform business and marketing decisions.
Competitive Intelligence Market Research Artificial Intelligence Enterprise Knowledge Management

Northern Light offers a sophisticated machine learning-powered competitive intelligence platform for market research. The product, geared for financial services companies and global enterprises, lets customers use generative AI to quickly extract insights from authoritative sources and inform business and marketing decisions.

The singlePoint platform is an AI-powered enterprise portal for market research and competitive intelligence. It offers singlePoint access to all relevant information, eliminating data silos in the knowledge management system. With unlimited seats, singlePoint is designed for enterprise-wide sharing so information is democratized across the organization.

Some of the key features of Northern Light include:

  • Generative AI: Provides key insights from market research and competitive intelligence content, blending human and machine intelligence.
  • Content Collections: Pulls together content from internal and external sources, including subscription research, business news, social media and government databases.
  • Industry-Specific Collections: Includes insight-rich content like Life Sciences Conference Abstracts and IT Industry White Papers.
  • Thought Leaders Collection: Includes reports on industry trends and future directions from firms like BCG, McKinsey and Deloitte.

Northern Light content collections also are available on Amazon's AWS Marketplace and the Amazon Data Exchange, so customers can access content through multiple channels.

The company has won several awards, including the 2024 Intellyx Digital Innovator Award for generative AI in a competitive intelligence platform and a spot on the 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management list from KMWorld.

Northern Light's features are designed to improve market intelligence search with AI so customers can quickly find useful information. It's geared for businesses looking to improve productivity and competitiveness with better market research and competitive intelligence tools.

Published on June 25, 2024

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