
Amplifies market intelligence with instant, accurate outputs, tracking multiple companies and topics, and detecting emerging trends to drive innovation.
Market Intelligence Competitive Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Analytics

ReportLinker is a platform that uses AI to amplify market intelligence, rapidly understanding business context, mapping competitive landscapes and spotting early trends. The platform empowers market intelligence teams with an unparalleled edge, delivering accurate intelligence outputs in seconds. The AI is augmented by GPT to personalize intelligence deliverables for different stakeholders, such as marketing, sales and executive teams.

ReportLinker is specifically designed to automate market intelligence and competitive intelligence tasks, allowing users to track multiple companies, industries, topics and geographies across multiple sources. This minimizes the risk of missing important information and reduces information overload. The AI is trained to understand business and competitive context, providing insights that are far more sophisticated than a simple keyword search. Its learning algorithms also identify early indicators of emerging trends, so customers can get ahead of the competition and drive innovation.

Some of the key features include:

  • Instant Intelligence Deliverables: Provides accurate intelligence outputs in seconds with AI and GPT.
  • Contextual Analysis: Tracks multiple companies, industries and topics across multiple sources.
  • Emerging Trend Detection: Identifies early indicators of emerging trends to stay ahead of the competition.

ReportLinker is used by market research analysts, innovation directors and knowledge managers to amplify their market intelligence. Customers have praised the tool for quickly filtering results, tracking competitors and providing a deeper understanding of industry trends.

For those looking to simplify their market research, ReportLinker offers a simple and intuitive interface to make the process easy. Customers can take advantage of the speed and accuracy of its AI-driven insights, freeing up more time for informed decision-making.

Published on June 24, 2024

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