
Delivers verified news from top sources like The Washington Post and Financial Times, tailoring briefings to your interests without paywalls or ads.
News Aggregation Personalized News Feed AI-powered Journalism

Rio is an AI-powered news anchor that delivers verified news from top sources. From award-winning journalism app Curio, Rio is designed to be a trusted AI news and learning companion. You can get news from publications like The Washington Post, Financial Times and The Atlantic without paywalls.

Here are some of the key features of Rio:

  • Credible Sources: Pulls news from vetted publications to ensure the highest quality content.
  • Personalized News: Tailors news briefings based on your engagement to provide the most relevant information.
  • No Echo Chambers: Uses AI to find and cover news from around the world that you may be missing.
  • Seamless Reading: Presents full-length articles without ads or cookie pop-ups and offers the option to listen to news, too.

Rio is designed to be transparent, upholding the editorial standards of its publishing partners and clearly attributing content sources. Its AI is designed to respect the creators of content and only use their work after obtaining explicit permission to use it for training.

Rio is free to try for early users, but it's designed to make it easy and safe to stay up to date. By bridging the gap between misinformation and trusted information, Rio encourages curiosity and understanding, making it a great tool for anyone looking for reliable news sources.

Published on June 14, 2024

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