If you're looking for another ZeroGPT alternative, you might want to check out GPTZero. This tool is designed to detect text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It includes several scanning options, including Deep Scan for a more in-depth analysis and Source Scanning for detecting plagiarism. With plans from a free BASIC tier to a PREMIUM option that includes advanced AI detection and multilingual support, GPTZero is a good option for educators, writers and cybersecurity pros.
Another good option is the AI Detector. The tool is designed to detect AI-generated text with a high degree of accuracy and includes a detailed analysis with an easy-to-use interface. It can detect text in real time and doesn't require any personal information, making it good for students, teachers, bloggers and businesses. The tool offers a free plan up to 5,000 characters, with paid plans starting at $5 per month for higher usage limits and premium support.
For a more powerful tool, Originality offers a range of features including an AI content detector, plagiarism checker, fact checker and readability scorer. It's geared for web publishers, content marketers and writers who need to ensure their content is accurate and original. It offers a range of pricing options to suit different needs, so it's a good ZeroGPT alternative.
Finally, AI Detector is another option. It gives you a probability score to judge how likely AI is to have been used and also offers sentence refinement to make text sound more human. It's good for content creators, teachers and digital marketers who want to ensure their content is high-quality and not plagiarized. The tool has an 85% accuracy rate for GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 generated text.