
Transforms passive content consumption into active engagement with personalized, real-time interactive experiences, increasing user loyalty and time spent on partner sites.
Content Engagement Personalization User Experience Design

Versus uses AI to get people more involved with entertainment, news, sports, search and social content by turning it into a game. The technology is designed to transform passive moments into active ones, and to get people to stick around longer and pay attention to the content its partners offer.

To get people more involved, Versus offers a few key features:

  • Personalized Content: With its own AI engine, Vivi, Versus offers interactive content that's tuned to people's interests and circumstances.
  • Real-time Engagement: Let people comment and make predictions in real-time so they're not just passively reading or watching something.
  • Better User Experience: Longer site visits, repeat visits and deeper loyalty are possible with ads that are contextual and unobtrusive.

Versus is geared for websites that want to get people to stick around longer and be more loyal. It works with a variety of sites to offer a richer experience. It looks like it could be particularly useful for entertainment, news, sports, search and social sites trying to get people more involved and to keep them coming back.

Published on August 6, 2024

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