
Provides high-accuracy, fast-turnaround transcription and captioning services with customizable solutions for various industries, ensuring accessibility and compliance.
Transcription Services Captioning Solutions Accessibility Solutions

Verbit provides a range of AI-based transcription and captioning services that are designed to offer both high accuracy and fast turnaround times at a lower cost. The company's platform uses a combination of its own technology, including proprietary automatic speech recognition (Captivate) and generative AI (Gen.V), to offer customized solutions for different industries.

Verbit's technology is trained to accommodate specific needs, with domain-specific requirements captured through dedicated models and dynamic dictionaries. This means that transcripts are both accurate and customized, even for complex content. The AI is then humanly edited by professional transcribers and captioners to ensure the highest quality output.

Some of the key features of Verbit include:

  • Live Captioning: Built into popular tools like Zoom and Teams for immediate accessibility.
  • Post-Production Captioning: 4-hour turnarounds for recorded content, including videos and marketing materials.
  • Audio and Video to Text Conversion: Customized templates and industry-leading turnarounds.
  • Clear and Consistent Output: Audio descriptions for people with vision loss.
  • Multilingual Support: Translations in over 51 languages for teams and audiences around the world.

Verbit's solutions can be used across business, education and media, increasing viewer engagement and promoting accessibility. The company has more than 3,000 customers and offers integrations with popular tools like Dropbox, Google Drive and YouTube.

Pricing is available upon request, and customers can customize their plans based on their specific needs. With a focus on accessibility and compliance, Verbit helps companies meet industry requirements and create more accessible experiences for their audience.

Published on July 13, 2024

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