
Identifies and blocks malicious bot activity in real-time, protecting online presence and digital ad campaigns with behavioral machine learning and thousands of data points.
Cybersecurity Ad Fraud Prevention Web Threat Protection

Veracity offers patented, AI-powered solutions to prevent malicious attacks, data breaches and ad click fraud. Its award-winning platform uses behavioral machine learning to identify and stop malicious bots so businesses can protect their online presence and digital advertising campaigns.

Veracity's solutions address a range of needs:

  • Web Threat Protection: Prevent malicious bot attacks on your website to protect customer data and your brand.
  • Ad Fraud Prevention: Stop click fraud bots so you can maximize your digital ad ROI and conversion rates.

The platform works by gathering thousands of behavioral data points from each user session, then analyzing them to determine whether the session is automated by a bot or human. The result is a system that identifies and blocks malicious bot activity without harming legitimate human traffic.

Veracity fits into your existing security infrastructure, integrating with DDoS and WAF systems. This integration means you can protect against bot attacks and ad fraud with a single system.

Real-world results include:

  • Better Ad Spend: Reduce waste by up to 66% and boost conversions.
  • Better Security: Protect your data and brand from malicious bot attacks.

Veracity has helped dozens of customers across e-commerce, online gaming and insurance reduce fraudulent traffic and improve their digital marketing results.

To get started, customers can request a free traffic audit or check case studies, webinars and other resources on the Veracity website. Its support and learning resources cover topics such as setup, ad fraud prevention and web threat protection.

Veracity doesn't share pricing details, but it offers a free tier for customers to try ad fraud prevention and web threat protection. Expect a tiered pricing system depending on your needs.

Published on July 23, 2024

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