
Discover and explore 9,000+ vetted AI solutions with a proprietary search engine, delivering accurate results for your business needs.
AI Project Discovery Artificial Intelligence Marketplace Business Solution Finder

Vectorlens is a portal to discover and explore a variety of AI projects. The company uses its own proprietary search engine, powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), to give users the most accurate results. This means you can find the right AI tools for your business, including more than 9,000 vetted solutions.

Among the features of Vectorlens are:

  • AI-powered search engine: Uses LLMs to give you the most accurate search results.
  • Impact-curated solutions: A library of 9,000+ AI projects so you can find what you need.
  • Personalized learning platforms: AI-powered learning platforms for customized education.
  • Voice recognition software: Tools for audio transcription and voice recognition.
  • Predictive maintenance tools: Solutions to optimize industrial maintenance.

Vectorlens also integrates with AI tools like ChatGPT so you can tap into more sophisticated AI directly within the platform. The site showcases a variety of AI projects, including business protection, customer experience, workforce management and more.

Some of the projects featured on Vectorlens include:

  • Cover Genius: End-to-end protection, fast claims processing and translated policies in 40+ languages.
  • Daon: Instant identity verification, authentication and protection across many channels and time zones.
  • SpotDraft: Contract creation, management and analysis to speed up deal closing.
  • EVS: Live video production tools for premium content creation and management.
  • Kevel: Launches high-performing retail media networks with customizable ad formats and robust ad serving infrastructure.

Vectorlens doesn't share pricing information, but you can try out the site and its featured projects to see if it's right for your business.

Vectorlens can help businesses by providing a single place to discover AI projects, so they can find the right ones for their needs. The AI-powered search engine means you get the best results, not a lot of noise. With Vectorlens, businesses can improve their operations with AI tools and keep up to date on the latest developments in the technology.

Published on August 12, 2024

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