
Automatically converts unstructured invoices and receipts into easily digestible data with high accuracy, streamlining business workflows and accounting processes.
Document Automation Invoice Processing Accounting Automation

TurboDoc is a document processing tool that can help you save time by converting unstructured invoices and receipts into easily digested data. With the help of advanced AI models, TurboDoc can extract the relevant information from documents with high accuracy, so you can streamline your business workflows and accounting processes.

The main TurboDoc features are:

  • Accurate Data Extraction: TurboDoc uses the latest OCR and AI models to ensure the highest level of data recognition accuracy.
  • Centralized Registry: All extracted data is stored in a centralized location for easy access and analysis.
  • Accounting Transparency: Data is presented in an easy-to-understand format, allowing for seamless accounting and budgeting.
  • Gmail Integration: TurboDoc can be connected to Gmail to automatically extract and organize data from invoices and receipts.

TurboDoc offers several pricing options:

  • Simple: $6/month, includes 50 invoice processing per month, automatic processing from Gmail, and technical support.
  • Pro: $30/month, includes 300 invoice processing per month, automatic processing from Gmail, premium technical support, and faster response times.
  • Self-hosting: Ad-hoc/month, includes 300+ invoice processing per month, automatic processing from Gmail, premium technical support, and the ability to process documents on your own datacenters.

TurboDoc ensures the security of user data by using AES256 enterprise-level encryption, storing data on USA-based servers, and only sharing data with consent.

The tool is particularly useful for companies that want to automate their accounts payable process, minimize manual data entry errors and take advantage of early payment discounts. By automating the document processing, TurboDoc allows companies to focus on higher-value tasks and increase their overall productivity.

For those who need help, TurboDoc offers comprehensive technical support, with Pro tariff subscribers getting priority support. TurboDoc supports multiple languages for invoice processing, including English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Catalan, with more available upon request.

Users can try the demo or sign up for a free trial account to get a feel for TurboDoc's features and capabilities.

Published on June 21, 2024

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