
Automatically generates 20+ promotional materials, including videos, show notes, transcripts, blog posts, and social media content, from uploaded podcast episodes.
Content Generation Podcasting Tools Automated Marketing Workflow

ToastyAI is a full-featured tool designed to help podcasters quickly and easily create a variety of promotional materials. It uses advanced AI technology to generate videos, show notes, transcripts, timestamps, blog posts and social media posts based on uploaded podcast episodes.

ToastyAI is designed for podcasters who want to optimize their marketing workflow. The tool is best suited for those who want to spend less time and money but still need to produce high-quality content. It can create more than 20 different content items for each episode, including:

  • Videos: Automatically generated videos based on audio content, great for YouTube and other video platforms.
  • Show Notes: Detailed episode summaries and breakdowns, including timestamps and title ideas.
  • Transcripts: High-accuracy transcriptions of entire episodes.
  • Blog Posts: Search engine optimization (SEO) optimized articles based on podcast content, which can help drive traffic to your website.
  • Social Media Content: Prewritten copy that's ready to post to your podcast's social media channels.

ToastyAI offers a range of pricing tiers to suit different podcast sizes and needs. The Free tier lets you try the tool without a credit card, with access to show notes, episode timestamps, high-accuracy transcription and social content items. The Toasty Core tier, which is free, gets you all of that plus long-form articles and Toasty ChatGPT integration. The Toasty Professional tier, which starts at $150 per month, adds features like more uploads, team collaboration and priority support. A Pay Per Credit option costs $8.50 per hour.

ToastyAI supports English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Finnish, Korean, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

For podcasters who want to boost their online profile but don't have a lot of time to write blog posts, ToastyAI is a useful tool that can help you get a lot of promotional material out of the least amount of work. With its advanced AI technology, it can help you maintain a consistent voice and keep your audience engaged across multiple channels.

Published on June 14, 2024

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