
Automate podcast content creation with AI-powered transcripts, show notes, media content, and social media posts, freeing up time for high-quality content production.
Podcasting Tools Content Automation AI-powered Content Creation

PodSqueeze is an AI-powered tool that can help podcasters automate and streamline their content creation. It can be used to convert and create transcripts, show notes and media content from podcast episodes.

It's good for people running multiple podcasts, solo podcasters and agencies trying to run more efficiently. Among other things, it can:

  • Transcripts: Create full transcripts with SRT files for captions and subtitles.
  • Show Notes: Create summaries of the main points, create chapters with timestamps and create attention-grabbing titles.
  • Timestamps: Break episodes into chapters for better navigation.
  • Blog & Social Posts: Automatically create social media posts and blog posts.
  • Newsletters: Create newsletters to keep your audience engaged.
  • Podcast Clips & Audiograms: One-click creation of subtitled video clips and audiograms.

All of this is designed to free up time and effort so you can focus on producing high-quality content. With PodSqueeze, you can also organize podcasts into folders, share content with clients and team members and customize AI voices. It also has a Podcast Topic Research Tool to help you plan future episodes.

Pricing tiers are designed to be flexible, from hobbyist podcasters to agencies:

  • Free: 50 minutes of podcast time, 1 video clip, unlimited quote images, and file upload up to 4Gb.
  • Starter: $15/month (billed annually at $132), 160 minutes of podcast time, 5 video clips, unlimited quote images, and file upload up to 4Gb.
  • Pro: $39/month (billed annually at $324), 320 minutes of podcast time, personalized AI voice, 10 video clips, unlimited quote images, and a 10Gb file upload limit.
  • Agency Lite: $59/month (billed annually at $495), 600 minutes of podcast time, personalized AI voice, 20 video clips, and unlimited quote images.
  • Agency Plus: $149/month (billed annually at $1,251), 2000 minutes of podcast time, personalized AI voice, 40 video clips, and unlimited quote images.
  • Agency Scale: $259/month (billed annually at $2,175), 4000 minutes of podcast time, personalized AI voice, 80 video clips, and unlimited quote images.

PodSqueeze has an intuitive interface so podcasters of all levels can use it. Minutes reset automatically every 30 days. The tool also offers resources like free eBooks, articles and a community to help you improve your podcasting skills.

If you want to automate some of your podcast content creation and tap into the power of AI, PodSqueeze has a lot of features and flexible pricing tiers to help you get there.

Published on June 9, 2024

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