
Automatically scan transactions to find eligible deductions, saving time and hassle, and maximize tax savings with expert CPA support and personalized reports.
Tax Preparation Expense Tracking AI-Powered Accounting

Taxly is an all-in-one tax management platform designed to make tax preparation and filing easy for self-employed individuals, freelancers, sole traders and contractors in Australia. Powered by AI technology, Taxly is a practical solution to help you minimize your tax liability and maximize your deductions.

Taxly's features are designed to make tax management easy:

  • AI Scanning for Deductions: Automatically scan transactions to find eligible deductions and save you time and hassle.
  • Expert CPA Support: Get access to a team of certified Australian tax professionals for human help and personalized tax advice.
  • API Integrations: Connect to accounting software for a single financial management experience.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Organize and track transactions, tax records and quarterly tax estimates.
  • Real-Time Expense Tracking: Automatically categorize expenses for accurate deductions.
  • Personalized Tax Reports: Generate detailed tax reports and recommendations for maximizing tax savings.

The platform allows users to link their bank accounts and ATO tax transaction records, and the AI engine automatically identifies eligible deductions and categorizes them. Users can then review and approve the proposed deductions, ensuring accuracy and transparency.

Taxly is designed for freelancers, sole traders and contractors who have multiple income sources, need to track business expenses and comply with ATO tax obligations. By automating the tax return process and offering expert human support, Taxly helps users save time and get the most out of their tax savings.

Pricing isn't disclosed, but you can sign up and link your bank accounts to get started. Taxly protects data with strong encryption and strict privacy practices, so you can feel confident using the service to manage your taxes in Australia.

Published on June 14, 2024

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