
Generates available business names with matching domain names instantly, streamlining the process of finding the perfect brand identity.
Business Name Generation Domain Name Registration Brand Identity Creation

SmartyNames is a business name generator that uses artificial intelligence to generate names for startups and projects along with available domain names you can register on .com and other top-level domains. You tell the tool what kind of company you'd like, and it'll spit out a list of business names that are available as domain names. That can help entrepreneurs find the right brand identity fast.

SmartyNames is all about speed and utility. You get results immediately, no contests or delays. And the company offers a curated catalog of premium business names you can buy, including examples like ExpressDrop, Constro Equipment and DreamFinder.

Here are the main features of SmartyNames:

  • Instant Business Name Generation: Tell us about your company and get a list of available business names with matching domain names.
  • Domain Name Availability Check: Check if .com and other TLDs are available.
  • Premium Domain Sales: Browse a curated list of premium business names for sale.
  • Reverse Domain Search: Find affordable domain names similar to ones you like but that aren't available.
  • Alternative TLD Support: Search and register other TLDs besides .com.

SmartyNames offers three pricing tiers:

  • Basic: $69, good for trying out a few options.
  • Standard: $99, good for people who are serious about launching a business, with faster generation and more advanced features.

The service is designed to help people and businesses get a good domain name without wasting time and money. It's operated by a small team of people who know a thing or two about company branding and design, but it's also using the latest AI technology to try to deliver results quickly.

Published on June 14, 2024

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