
Generates over 100 unique, available, and brandable business name ideas instantly, combining machine learning and domain search for fast results.
Business Name Generation Branding Solutions AI-powered Search

NameSnack is a business name generator that offers more than 100 short, available and brandable business name ideas instantly. The AI-powered tool is free to use.

The main purpose of NameSnack is to help people find a unique name for their brand. By combining machine learning technology with domain name search, the tool helps people find a good business name fast.

Here are some of the key features of NameSnack:

  • Instant Domain Search: See what domain names are available for your business name.
  • Keyword Search: Start with a few keywords to get a broad range of related business name ideas.
  • Many Name Styles: Unique names, industry names, startup names, short names, and more.
  • Logo Design: Create a nice-looking logo for your brand with a few clicks.

NameSnack's algorithm combines machine learning technology and keyword combinations to generate a broad range of names. The tool is geared for a variety of industries, including naming websites, startups, apps, stores, restaurants, podcasts and products.

One of the best things about NameSnack is that it's free. The company makes money from ads on the site and from commissions from domain registration through partners.

If you want to trademark your business name, be warned that NameSnack doesn't check against trademark databases. You can do a separate search or hire a lawyer to make sure the name is available for trademarking.

NameSnack is geared for entrepreneurs, branding consultants and anyone else looking for a quick and easy way to come up with a memorable business name.

Published on June 14, 2024

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