Simple Job Data API

Access millions of job postings from thousands of companies in a clean JSON format, including remote and hybrid jobs, with a single API endpoint.
Job Posting Data Recruitment Solutions API Integration

Simple Job Data API is a high-performance and reliable way to backfill job boards or to get insights into the hiring market. It offers job posting data in JSON format from thousands of companies across many industries. The API collects job postings from many ATS and HR software companies, giving you a single source of truth for a massive set of job postings.

Some of the main features of the Simple Job Data API include:

  • Millions of jobs: Get job postings with a single endpoint, including remote and hybrid jobs.
  • Clean JSON format: Get clean, well-structured job data, so you don't have to worry about parsing and irregularities.
  • Tech and knowledge worker jobs: Get job postings from thousands of tech companies and startups around the world.
  • 15% remote or hybrid jobs: Get hundreds of thousands of remote job postings from countries around the world.

The API uses a simple JSON format that's easy to consume. You can query the API with a simple curl command, for example, specifying the title parameter to filter job postings. The response includes relevant data, such as company information, job titles, locations and descriptions.

Simple Job Data API is great for job board operators, recruiters or anyone else who wants to improve their job search site. With the API, you can easily fill your job board with fresh and relevant job postings to give your users the best experience.

The API offers three subscription tiers -- access, access pro and access ultra -- that vary in terms of the number of requests, the number of concurrent requests and the data retention. Pricing is on the website, and once you subscribe, you can generate an API key from your dashboard.

In summary, Simple Job Data API is a great way to get large-scale job data into your application, so you can keep up with what's happening in the hiring market.

Published on June 14, 2024

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