Shy Apply

Automates job applications, scanning listings and applying on your behalf, to cast a wider net without the legwork, freeing up time for other pursuits.
Job Search Assistance Automated Job Applications Resume Management

Shy Apply is designed to make it easier for job seekers to apply for jobs. The service uses AI to scan job listings and apply to jobs on your behalf.

The service is pretty simple to use: you set up a profile, Shy Apply checks job listings for positions it thinks are a good fit, and then it applies to those jobs for you. It answers recruiter questions based on the information in your profile. That can help you cast a wider net for a job without a lot of legwork.

Here are the main features:

  • Automatic Job Applications: Shy Apply applies to multiple jobs based on your profile.
  • Profile Setup: Set up a profile in two minutes to teach the AI what kind of job you're looking for.
  • Job Search: Search for jobs on popular job boards.
  • Privacy: Your resume and personal data never leaves your computer.

Shy Apply has three pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Standard: $39 for 50 applications, good for entry-level jobs.
  • Professional: $79 for 150 applications, good for recent graduates and working professionals.
  • Unlimited: $249 for unlimited applications, good for people who need to apply to a lot of jobs.

Shy Apply is designed to be convenient and efficient. It can apply to jobs through LinkedIn and Indeed, and premium support is available for people who need more help. And it's private, with user data stored on their own computer.

Shy Apply is geared for people who want to make their job search easier. That's especially useful for people with limited time. It can be good for recent graduates, working professionals and anyone who wants to cast a wider net for a job without spending too much time and energy.

By automating the application process, Shy Apply hopes to free people from the tedium and stress of traditional job hunting and free up time for other parts of their lives.

Published on July 17, 2024

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