
Get personalized job matches based on your skills, experience, and goals, eliminating irrelevant and fake job postings with AI-powered job search technology.
Job Search Assistance AI-powered Recruitment Resume Building Tools

Jobright is an AI-powered job search platform that helps you find the job that best fits your needs and goals. By using AI technology, Jobright offers you a personalized job match based on your skills, experience, and goals. The platform offers a range of features to help you with your job search, including:

  • AI Job Match: Apply to jobs that are a good fit for you, ensuring that they are relevant and eliminating fake job postings.
  • Resume AI: Build professional-quality resumes in minutes with AI assistance, optimized to increase visibility in HR systems.
  • Insider Connections: Leverage referrals and find alumni and former colleagues at your target company to increase your chances of an interview.
  • Orion, your AI Co-Pilot: Get customized job lists, company information, and personalized advice to help you optimize your job search and interview preparation.

Real users, such as Tracy C., Tyler S., and Brandi G., have seen success with the platform, landing interviews and streamlining their job search.

Jobright is on a mission to transform the job search process, offering a more efficient and personalized experience. By focusing on real-time company trends, deep insights, and filtered matches, the platform empowers users to stay ahead of the competition in their job search. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional, Jobright's AI-powered approach can help you find the job that is right for you.

You can try Jobright for free, and the platform covers multiple regions, so you can reach a large pool of job seekers.

Published on June 14, 2024

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