
AI-powered tools streamline job hunting and hiring, offering personalized interview prep, resume improvement, and job matching, plus advanced tracking and analytics.
Job Search Assistance Recruitment Tools AI-powered Career Development

Ribbon offers a range of AI-powered tools to help with everything from hiring to job searching. The site has a range of tools for job seekers and recruiters, designed to make the hiring process smoother.

Ribbon's tools for job seekers are designed to help them organize their job hunt and prepare for interviews with tools like Copilot, Interview+ and Resume+. The tools can help with tasks like tracking job applications, practicing answers to common interview questions and improving resumes to boost the chances of catching the eye of hiring managers.

Among Ribbon's tools are:

  • Copilot: A digital job search assistant that can help with job hunting from within a browser.
  • Interview+: A mock interview tool that generates questions based on the user's resume and offers model answers to help with interview prep.
  • Resume+: A tool that offers feedback on resume improvement, flagging grammar and formatting problems and suggesting keywords and phrases that'll help it pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Jobs: A job search tool that filters and recommends jobs based on skills and experience.
  • Chat AI: A one-stop chatbot that helps with everything from finding jobs to writing resumes and cover letters to preparing for interviews.

Ribbon offers two pricing tiers:

  • Basic: Free, with access to basic features and membership in a growing community. Basic features include the ability to connect with job seekers and recruiters, verify identity and work history, analyze up to three resumes, and track up to ten jobs and applications.
  • Pro: $6.64 per month (with a 30% discount if you pay annually), which offers unlimited access to all Ribbon tools, including unlimited resume feedback, interview practice and application tracking.

Ribbon also has a version for recruiters, called Recruit AI, that offers natural-sounding AI for phone screening. That can help companies screen candidates more efficiently and focus on the best candidates.

Ribbon hopes to help job hunting and hiring by using AI technology to offer insights and practical tools for job seekers and recruiters.

Published on June 14, 2024

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