Shopper Buddy

Get personalized shopping recommendations and answers to product questions from an AI assistant, free from ads and distractions, with top priority on privacy.
Personalized Marketing E-commerce Optimization Chatbot Development

Shopper Buddy uses AI-powered recommendations to personalize the shopping experience. The tool is designed to change the shopping experience by offering an ad-free, distraction-free environment where privacy is a top priority.

Shopper Buddy's AI assistant helps you shop by answering product-related questions and making personalized suggestions. You can initiate a conversation with the AI, ask questions and get recommendations without the interruptions of pop-ups or tracking. The service is available today through a ChatGPT Plus account.

If you're looking for a more private, uninterrupted shopping experience, Shopper Buddy can help you get that. You can try the streamlined shopping experience and see how it can help you get more out of your shopping experience.

Published on June 14, 2024

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