
Run innovative qualitative research projects, engaging communities, and uncover AI-powered insights through asynchronous and live research, customizable experiences, and in-depth reporting.
Qualitative Research Community Engagement Market Research

Recollective helps researchers get answers fast and deliver results by running innovative qualitative research projects and engaging communities. The platform is built to accommodate a variety of research approaches and uses, from concept tests to customer journeys, UX testing and more.

Recollective provides several key features:

  • Asynchronous & Live Research: Supports activity-based research, question types, discussions, video IDIs, and digital focus groups.
  • Reporting & Analysis: Offers reports, transcripts, and AI-powered insights so researchers can quickly identify and share key findings.
  • Customizable Experience: Allows for personalized onboarding experiences and social collaboration features.

The platform can be used for a variety of research approaches, including:

  • Exploration & Discovery
  • Customer Journeys
  • Evaluation & Testing
  • Digital Diaries
  • Ideation & Co-Creation
  • In-the-Moment
  • User Experience
  • Long-term Communities

Recollective also provides a range of services, including technical support, premium support, on-demand support, and live support packages. And to help you get up and running, there are a variety of training options, including on-demand training, custom training, free researcher training, and expert certification.

Researchers and brands rely on Recollective, with customers praising its ease of use and ability to help them gain valuable insights. Recollective is working to make qualitative research more efficient and accessible with its full-featured toolset and AI integration. That means researchers can get the insights they need without sacrificing the quality and depth of their work.

If you're interested in qualitative research and community engagement, Recollective could be a useful addition to your research workflow.

Published on July 18, 2024

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