
Combines geolocation and AR technology to create immersive games that link players to their real-world environment, enhancing gameplay with real-time data.
Augmented Reality Geolocation Technology Gamification Solutions

Reality creates mobile games that tap into real-world data in real-time, providing a more realistic gaming experience. By combining geolocation and augmented reality (AR) technology, they create games that link players to their environment.

Some examples of Reality's work include:

  • Landlord: A property management game in which players buy and manage real-world buildings and locations.
  • Landlord GO: A geolocation-based game in which players compete against each other to buy and manage real-world properties.
  • Project X: A geolocation and AR game that brings a classic board game to life using real-world buildings and locations.
  • Big Dots: A game engine that combines open-source data and user-generated content for geolocation games and apps.
  • AR Maps: A project to build a three-dimensional global database of points of interest (POI) for next-gen AR games and applications.
  • 3D Maps: Immersive Unity game environments with accurate details, optimized for dense cities and efficient data transfer.
  • AR Smart Layer: A navigation system for AR that uses GPS, building height and gyroscope data to align icons with the real world.

Reality's gamification approach uses real-world data to make the game more engaging by valuing in-game properties based on factors like economy index, popularity and location rating. The data update approach uses user-generated content to ensure data accuracy and to keep the database fresh.

Reality Games is looking for developers, artists and HR staff to join its team, with current openings including Technical Artist for Mobile Game, Internship Program in Talent Acquisition and HR Administration and Marketing Coordinator.

For more details, check the Reality website.

Published on July 30, 2024

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