
Automate technical reporting with features like report tags, customized coding, and version control, saving 30% of time compared to traditional tools.
Technical Reporting Collaboration Tools Document Automation

Quire is a cloud-based technical reporting software designed to make it easier to write reports and to collaborate with colleagues. It's a full-featured platform that can handle everything from writing to editing to publishing reports, all in a more efficient way.

Quire has a number of features geared for technical report writers, including:

  • Report Tags and WordBank: Automate data population and formatting.
  • Customized Coding: Apply consistent styles to maintain brand identity.
  • Version Control and Tracking: Keep all report versions in one place and monitor changes.
  • Role-based Permissions: Control user access and editing capabilities.
  • Centralized Templates: Update templates easily and maintain consistency.

Quire also integrates with third-party services and apps so data can flow in and out of Quire and workflow automation can be set up. It can integrate with environmental data providers like ERIS, EDR, Envirosite and Banks Environmental Data, and mapping tools like ESRI, ReportAll, USGS and Google Maps.

The company says the platform will help you work faster, more consistently and with better quality control. Among the benefits it promises are:

  • 30% time savings compared to using traditional tools like Word.
  • Improved Consistency: Centralized templates and formatting help maintain a uniform brand image.
  • Enhanced Quality Control: Features like locked text and user permissions minimize errors.

Quire is geared for industries that need technical reports, like architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). Its interface is designed to be accessible to a wide range of people, and its features are geared for teams that want to improve their reporting.

Pricing isn't disclosed, but you can schedule a live demo or take a self-guided tour to learn more about Quire and see if it's right for your needs.

Published on July 5, 2024

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