
Automates data flow discovery, risk detection, and privacy governance, providing real-time visibility into personal data usage and enabling proactive compliance across products.
Data Privacy Management Compliance Monitoring Automated Risk Discovery

Privado offers visibility into the full data lifecycle and continuous privacy governance, connecting the dots between privacy and engineering. It can quickly find where personal data is used across products through code scanning, monitor data flows to third parties and automatically generate RoPA reports. That can help prevent privacy surprises and fines for non-compliance.

Privado scans internal code to find all products, apps and dashboards that handle personal data, then generates real-time data flow diagrams and can generate RoPA reports. It also automates privacy governance, flagging risks and stopping problems from reaching development.

By building privacy education and remediation into developer tools, Privado encourages collaboration and makes privacy a part of the development process. Its features include:

  • Data Flow Discovery: Get a clear view of sensitive data flows across systems.
  • Dynamic Data Mapping: Automate data classification and keep data maps up to date.
  • Automated Risk Discovery: Find privacy problems at scale across all products.
  • Privacy by Design and by Code: Build privacy compliance into the earliest phases of product design and data lifecycle processes.
  • RoPA, PIA, & DPIA Automation: Generate accurate, self-updating assessments directly into development tools.
  • Developer Collaboration: Provide privacy playbooks, technical privacy reviews and contextual privacy training for developer and product teams.

Privado integrates with existing source code management, CI/CD pipeline, ticket management and privacy management tools, so it's a good fit for software driven companies. With Privado, companies can automate privacy checks without human intervention, build privacy into design, and ensure data protection policies are enforced in product development.

The platform is geared for companies that want to maintain GDPR compliance, avoid non-compliant data sharing and maintain customer trust with proactive privacy. Pricing isn't public, but interested parties can request a demo to learn more about Privado's products and pricing.

Published on July 4, 2024

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