Powell Software

Boosts productivity and sparks innovation with intelligent tools that optimize workflows, personalize intranet experiences, and facilitate quick information discovery.
Digital Workplace Collaboration Tools Employee Engagement Intranet Solutions

Powell Software's digital workplace platform is designed to improve communication, collaboration and employee engagement. Built entirely on SharePoint, it offers a single digital workplace experience tightly integrated with Microsoft 365 so people can share information and get involved easily.

The idea is to link people together and give them a sense of community and teamwork even if they're not in the same location. Personalized dashboards and new virtual collaboration spaces help people feel connected and valued.

Powell Intranet is geared for IT, communications and HR teams, with features like targeted news, customized alerts and multimedia updates. It also includes employee advocacy modules and discussion forums to encourage discussion and build brand advocates.

Powell Intranet also uses AI to boost productivity and spark innovation. Intelligent tools optimize workflows, personalize intranet experiences, and help people quickly find information and create content.

Powell Software prices its software by the number of users, with five tiers from more than 1,000 to more than 20,000.

Powell Software helps companies improve internal communications, streamline operations and boost employee engagement. It's good for companies with a few dozen employees or tens of thousands, and it's particularly useful for those already invested in the Microsoft 365 technology.

Published on July 2, 2024

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