
Shorten links without signing up, customize previews with tracking, and update destinations anytime, ideal for marketers and companies seeking data control.
URL Shortening Link Management Marketing Analytics

PicSee is a URL shortener that lets you shorten links without signing up, shorten lots of links in a batch with an API, and customize previews with Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager (GTM) tracking. The service is geared for marketers and companies trying to get a better handle on their online activity.

PicSee lets you change the destination URL at any time, which is useful for situations where QR codes or links have been printed on documents or posters. It also comes with an integrated UTM builder that lets you save frequently used UTM parameters and automatically apply or edit them after shortening the URL for integration with Google Analytics.

You can create custom short links without any technical expertise, selecting from options like default short URLs, custom subdomains and branded short domains. The service also lets you fully customize link preview titles and thumbnails to make shared links more compelling on social media and boost click-through rates.

PicSee has other features, including:

  • Permanently valid short URLs
  • Unlimited short-links
  • Customizable subdomains and short URL codes
  • Custom link preview thumbnails and titles
  • Update destination URL
  • QR Code generation
  • AI suggestions for link titles
  • Tag management
  • Insert Facebook Pixel and GTM
  • Short URL performance data
  • Chrome extension
  • Branded short domains
  • Bulk URL shortening API

PicSee promises stability, with a service level agreement that guarantees 99.95% uptime for short URL redirection. Short links can handle more than 50,000 clicks per minute, and the service aggregates 30+ internet blacklists, image recognition and Google's Web Security Scanner for security.

Pricing depends on the plan you select. The Personal plan costs $6.5/month or $78/year, with unlimited short URLs and custom link previews. The Initial plan costs $25/month or $300/year, adding features like unlimited custom link previews, full short URL click performance data and more. The Classic plan costs $65/month or $780/year, with advanced search, 10 group members and a 30-day operation log.

PicSee also offers a free plan with limited usage, so you can try the service before upgrading. For those who need more features or higher usage limits, custom plans are available.

PicSee is used by many big companies, including Shopee, PChome, Taobao and First Bank, which all get branded short links customized to their own needs. The service is geared for marketers who want to get a better handle on their data and build more effective marketing campaigns.

Published on June 14, 2024

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