Offers live previews of links on hover or click, providing context without leaving the site, to lower bounce rates and boost user engagement.
Content Optimization User Experience Design Link Management is a tool that can help you keep people on your website or blog longer by offering live previews of links. With a single line of HTML code, you can add popups that show a preview of the content a link points to when people hover over it or click it. The idea is to lower bounce rates and keep people coming back by giving them some context without forcing them to leave your website.'s features include:

  • Automatic link previews on hover: Any hyperlinks on your website will show a popup with a content summary when you hover over it.
  • Rich link previews on click: Supports more than 1000 URLs, including YouTube, SoundCloud, Instagram and others, and shows rich media content within your website.
  • Article link previews on click: Pulls out and shows the content of linked articles, including text from blog posts, guides and tutorials.
  • File-viewers on click: Converts hyperlinks to download files into immersive file previews within your website, supporting PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel files.
  • Image-viewer: Allows people to zoom in on infographics and other detailed images without leaving your site.
  • Mobile-optimized: The previews automatically hide when you scroll so you don't have to worry about them on mobile.
  • Link preview analytics: See which links your visitors click on.
  • Contemporary themes: Choose from a variety of themes to match your website's style.
  • Auto light/dark mode: Automatically switches to your website's light or dark mode. pricing is tiered to accommodate different sizes of websites and usage. The tiers are:

  • Free: $0/month, 2,500 unique previews
  • Blog: $5/month, 15,000 unique previews
  • Website: $10/month, 30,000 unique previews
  • Store: $25/month, 150,000 unique previews
  • Publisher: $50/month, 400,000 unique previews
  • Platform: $100/month, 1,000,000 unique previews is designed to work with popular website builders, including Webflow, Wix, WordPress and Weebly, so it's easy to get set up and working. The service is designed to be high performance and to protect users' privacy, with no tracking scripts and intelligent caching to ensure fast page loads.

Using can help you improve user engagement on your website, lower bounce rates and improve overall visitor satisfaction.

Published on June 9, 2024

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