
Generate research-backed color palettes instantly with AI suggestions, and analyze existing ones to ensure they evoke the desired mood and emotional response.
Color Palette Generation Design Automation Artificial Intelligence for Design

Perception is a tool for creative pros to make better color palette choices through research-backed suggestions and AI tools. By using color psychology AI technology, Perception helps you get creative faster and avoid guesswork in the design process.

The service includes a color palette generator that produces a selection of nice-looking color combinations immediately, with three palettes available for free without registration. You can also create your own palettes with AI suggestions that arrive immediately, analyze palettes you've created to see how well they match the intended mood, and get inspiration from a library of more than 50 million palettes that Perception's AI has created.

Among the features:

  • Color Palette Generator: Generate color schemes immediately with AI suggestions.
  • Palette Analysis: Evaluate existing palettes to see how well they match a desired mood, based on color psychology research.
  • Palette Inspiration: Browse a library of more than 50 million palettes that Perception's AI has created.
  • Palette Validator: Check whether color palette combinations match the mood you want.
  • Palette Dictionary: Search through thousands of palettes organized by term or color.

Perception has a few pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Perception Lite: Free for individuals and small projects, letting you generate and analyze palettes.
  • Perception Studio: $14 per month or $10.80 per month if you pay annually, giving you unlimited access to the advanced features and support for up to 10 users.
  • Perception Enterprise: Custom pricing for agencies and larger teams, with features like single sign-on and dedicated support.

Perception's AI model is trained to see color as a visual language, a more neutral foundation for choosing colors based on data. By marrying human creativity with AI's precision, it lets designers make color choices that are more likely to be impactful and emotionally resonant.

Published on June 13, 2024

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