
Creates custom color combinations and palettes based on your preferences, using a neural network-powered algorithm to produce infinite, personalized options.
Color Palette Generation AI-powered Design Tools Design Automation

Khroma is a color tool for designers that uses AI to create custom color combinations and palettes based on your preferences. You can pick a set of colors to train a neural network-powered algorithm, which then spits out an endless supply of palettes that suit your style.

Here are some of its features:

  • Personalized Algorithm: Trained by your color choices to produce colors you like and avoid ones you don't.
  • Infinite Combos: Based on thousands of human-made palettes that are popular on the web, it can produce a wide range of combinations.
  • Search and Filter: Searches by hue, tint, value, color, hex, and RGB values so you can find exactly what you're looking for.
  • Collection Management: Stores an unlimited number of favorite combos, along with details like color names, hex codes, RGB values, CSS code, and accessibility ratings.

Khroma is designed to help designers pick colors more easily, a useful tool for finding and cataloging color palettes. By using AI technology, the service offers an infinite supply of color combinations based on your preferences.

Check out to explore the possibilities and learn more.

Published on June 9, 2024

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