PDF Parser

Automatically extracts structured data from PDFs into JSON format, eliminating manual processing and speeding up data retrieval with AI-powered technology.
Document Automation Data Extraction Artificial Intelligence

PDF Parser makes it easy to extract structured data from PDFs with sophisticated AI technology. The tool automatically converts PDFs into JSON data, eliminating manual processing and speeding up data retrieval.

PDF Parser can handle PDFs with no manual template setup, for example, to process invoices, tickets and other documents. The tool works with three easy steps: upload PDF files, select fields to extract, and let the AI engine do the work. It returns structured JSON data that can be easily consumed by other applications.

The service comes in three pricing tiers:

  • Lite: $1 for 10 credits, good for casual use, at $0.10 per successfully parsed document.
  • Standard: $5 for 60 credits, good for moderate use, at $0.08 per document parsed.
  • Premium: $25 for 500 credits, good for heavy use, at $0.05 per document parsed.

Each tier is designed to be economical, and you don't need an OpenAI API Key. Credits don't expire, and the company plans to add an API and JSON schema validation in coming months.

PDF Parser is useful for industries like real estate, accounting and academia, where there's a lot of PDF paperwork that needs to be processed quickly. It can also be used for data analysis, invoicing, form processing and health record processing, so it's good for just about anyone who needs to wrangle PDF data that's not in a structured format.

The tool uses AI and machine learning algorithms to extract and structure data, and it's less likely to make mistakes than humans. And by automating the process, you can free up your own staff for higher-level work, which should mean better productivity and lower costs.

Published on June 9, 2024

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