
Turns conversations into published stories without extensive writing, generating a 7500-word biography at a fraction of traditional biographer costs.
Personal History Preservation Automated Content Generation Biographical Storytelling

Otto is a personal AI biographer that helps you share your story and experiences with others. By recording and transcribing conversations, Otto turns your memories into published stories without requiring you to write extensively or take notes. The service is designed to make it easier and more affordable to capture your life story or business history than through traditional biographer services.

Otto has several features:

  • Automatic Transcripts: Conversations are transcribed in real time so nothing is lost.
  • Short Sessions: Tell your story in 10-minute sessions, with new sessions added weekly.
  • Chapter Review: Draft chapters are automatically generated so you can quickly review and trust that everything is captured.
  • Completed Biography: A 7500-word professionally written biography is generated at a fraction of the cost of a traditional biographer.
  • Private Audio and Transcripts: Audio and transcripts remain private.

Otto costs $99 for life, but an early bird discount brings the price down to $49. You can try an introductory session, which includes 15 minutes of audio and one chapter creation. The service is geared for people who want to capture their life story or business history in a convenient and affordable way. Check the Otto website for details and to get started.

Published on June 14, 2024

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