If you're looking for something similar to mymind, Stacks could be a good fit. Stacks is a single web-based workspace where you can save, search, and organize bookmarks, links and other information with an AI-powered search engine. It can capture and annotate information from any browser or social media site, and offers shared workspaces for group knowledge-building. With private and secure search, notes and smart tags, Stacks can be a good way to keep your digital life organized.
Another contender is Otio. Otio is an AI-first workspace for research and writing that lets you summarize and chat with your documents using large language models. It works with more than 20 languages and automatically tags and categorizes documents you import, so it's a good option for researchers, students and analysts who want to process and generate ideas from a lot of research.
If you're looking for something more basic for note taking and organization, check out Glasp. Glasp lets you highlight and annotate websites and PDFs, organize and tag notes, and export highlights in different formats. It's got an AI engine for summarizing text, and a knowledge graph to record your learning journey. That makes it a good tool for researchers and students who want to keep a record of what they've read and learned.
Last is Supernotes, a collaborative note-taking tool with digital notecards that can handle rich formatting like Markdown and images. It's got a basic organization system and AI tools for spotting typos and grouping ideas. Supernotes is designed to be fast and private, so it's good for note takers, researchers and pros who want to capture their thoughts on one device and sync them to others.