
Capture ideas with voice recordings, and instantly convert them to text, with smart summaries and easy organization for quick insights.
Note Taking Automation Productivity Tools Artificial Intelligence Assistants

NotezAI is an AI-powered note-taking assistant that helps you take your notes to the next level. With features that change how you capture, organize and review your notes, NotezAI is perfect for students, professionals, and anyone else who wants to stay on top of their work.

Here are some of the key features:

  • Instant Audio to Text Conversion: Capture your ideas with voice recordings.
  • Smart Summaries for Quick Insights: Get a quick summary of your notes in seconds.
  • Easy Note Organization: Keep your notes organized and easily accessible.

It's simple: record or type your notes, let NotezAI do the work, then edit and customize to your heart's content. People have seen their workflow and study habits improve dramatically with the app's accuracy and time-saving features.

NotezAI has two easy and affordable subscription options:

  • $9.99 per month: Unlimited note creation and storage, advanced summarization tools, instant audio-to-text conversion and regular updates.
  • $100 per year: Same features as the monthly plan, but billed annually.

Before you commit, you can try NotezAI with a 7-day free trial to see for yourself how it can help you. If you're looking to boost your productivity and note-taking abilities, NotezAI is a great way to get organized and get ahead.

Published on June 9, 2024

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