
Dynamically targets and displays personalized offers to consumers in real-time, increasing conversion rates and revenue through AI-powered behavioral segmentation.
E-commerce Optimization Personalized Marketing Conversion Rate Optimization

Metrical is an AI-powered ecommerce solution that helps online retailers in the Apparel, Accessories, and Beauty categories convert shoppers into buyers while on the site. It uses real-time, anonymous data and machine learning algorithms to dynamically target and display personalized offers to consumers based on the likelihood of conversion. This approach helps prevent cart abandonment and preserve margins by keeping shoppers engaged with targeted messages throughout their shopping journey.

Metrical provides several key features to maximize ecommerce profitability:

  • Real-time AI Targeting: Uses over 2.6 trillion data points and proprietary machine learning models to show customers the most relevant messages at the most relevant time.
  • Continuous Campaign Optimization: Offers actionable insights into customer behavior and market trends to identify the specific sources of incremental revenue.
  • Provable ROI: Analyzes individual visitor behavior and shows shoppers the most relevant offers to prevent bounces and maximize profitability.
  • Streamlined Implementation: Works with users for white-glove service to launch, optimize, and measure successful campaigns.

The tool is designed to help ecommerce companies that face challenges like high cart abandonment rates, a wide range of options for shoppers, and a lack of effective use of customer data. By using AI-powered prediction and behavioral segmentation, Metrical helps retailers better understand their customers and engage with them more effectively, leading to higher conversion rates and loyalty.

Metrical can be easily integrated with existing technology stacks, including Google Tag Manager and Adobe Analytics, and does not require major infrastructure changes. Metrical also respects customer privacy and complies with regulations, as it does not collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or use cookies.

Metrical provides customized reporting and real-time dashboards to help businesses make data-driven decisions that drive revenue and optimize performance. Its white-glove service ensures that users get personalized support to launch and optimize their campaigns.

By using Metrical, businesses can expect a significant increase in conversion rates and revenue. For example, JCPenney saw a 32% increase in conversion rates, and Brooks Brothers credited Metrical's AI solution with improving their brand and driving customer loyalty.

Whether you're an established ecommerce retailer or looking to optimize your online store, Metrical can help you convert browsing sessions into sales, improve customer retention, and improve marketing efficiency while protecting user privacy. You can schedule a demo to learn more about the benefits of Metrical and optimize your ecommerce strategy.

Published on June 26, 2024

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