
Automate podcast content creation with AI-generated episode summaries, titles, keywords, and more, freeing up time and money for podcasters.
Podcasting Tools Content Generation Automated Content Creation

Melville uses AI to let podcasters free up time and money by automatically generating the content they need for their podcast episodes. It's got a range of tools to get you the content you want as fast as possible, including optimized episode summaries, attention-grabbing titles, and keywords for search engine optimization and social sharing.

Among Melville's features are:

  • Title Suggestions: Create customizable podcast titles.
  • Summary Suggestions: Automatically generate custom episode summaries.
  • Keypoint Suggestions: Find what podcast episode topics are about quickly.
  • Quote Suggestions: Automatically timestamped quotes from each episode.
  • Episode Outline: Keep track of your podcast with timestamp outlines.
  • Keyword Suggestions: Optimize SEO and social engagement with keyword suggestions.
  • Styles and Tones: Personalized writing style to fit the voice of each podcast.
  • Unlimited Options: Generate outputs without any additional costs.
  • Melville GPT: Content creation on steroids with perfect recall and output to email, marketing and social media.

You can add your podcast, upload audio files in various formats like MP3, and use a built-in editor to export your show notes quickly. Melville offers a monthly subscription that comes with a set number of minutes per month. If you go over that, you can buy more as needed.

Although Melville writes a lot of the content, you'll still have to edit the output to get it just right. The service is for one person, though agencies can set up a shared email address to use the service for multiple people. There's no limit to the number of podcasts you can manage in your account.

Melville estimates the average monthly cost savings is $86. It's geared for individual podcasters and for agencies that create content for multiple podcasts.

Update: Melville announced it's shutting down on Feb. 1, 2023. Customers can download their show notes before the service goes offline.

Published on June 14, 2024

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