
Transform work with AI-powered workflows and apps, built and deployed without coding, to unlock instant data insights and automate tasks.
No-Code AI Development AI-Powered Data Insights Automation Workflow Management

MarkovML is a platform that lets teams use AI to transform work by dragging, dropping and deploying AI-powered workflows and apps without needing AI skills. It's designed to help people get the most out of their data by making AI accessible to those who don't have technical expertise.

Some of the key features of MarkovML include:

  • AI Powered Data Insights: Get instant insights from text-based data sets using AI without writing code.
  • Build & Host AI Applications: Create interactive AI apps using a no-code app builder.
  • Automate Data Workflows: Create automated workflows using a drag-and-drop workflow builder.

MarkovML can be particularly useful for knowledge workers, who can use it to build AI into their workflow and improve productivity. Data scientists can also use the platform to understand data quality, label datasets and evaluate models based on a variety of metrics, ultimately bringing their vision to life with impactful AI solutions.

Some of the key features of MarkovML include:

  • No-Code AI Applications: Choose from a library of templates and build AI-powered apps in minutes.
  • AI Powered Data Insights: Organize, discover and understand data with AI-powered no-code analysis tools.
  • Collaboration & Sharing: Share insights and collaborate with team members on a single platform.

MarkovML has security features like rotating access keys, OAuth for authorized access, data encryption and full traceability. It can also be deployed on a private cloud and is SOC2 compliant, which means sensitive information is kept private.

Some of the people who could use MarkovML include:

  • Knowledge Workers: Build AI into their workflow to improve productivity.
  • Data Scientists: Use intuitive tools to better understand data quality and label datasets.

MarkovML's main idea is to make it easier to build and deploy AI models, and to make it accessible to a broader group of people. By using a no-code approach, it means people who don't have deep AI expertise can tap into the technology.

Published on June 14, 2024

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