
Generates a complete React and Node.js project starter kit with front-end pages, API endpoints, and database schema from a single prompt, saving development time.
Code Generation Automated Development AI-powered Development Tools

Marblism is a tool that lets developers generate a boilerplate starter kit codebase for their React and Node.js projects with a single prompt. The service is designed to dramatically cut down the amount of time it takes to get a project up and running by automatically generating front-end pages, back-end API endpoints, database schema and even authentication.

Marblism features include fully generated front-end pages, API endpoints and database schema. It also supports JWT and Google login-based authentication so users can handle user sessions securely. It integrates with OpenAI and email services like Mailjet for further customization. The service supports file uploads with AWS S3 and offers a checkout session and subscription management for payment handling.

Some examples of what you can do with Marblism include building social platforms, marketplace apps and project management tools. For example, you could generate a social app like Twitter or a pool-sharing marketplace like Airbnb in a matter of minutes.

Marblism pricing is tiered into three levels. The Starter Pack is free and lets you generate two apps with five iterations, using 100 marbles. The Pro Pack costs $35, with 500 marbles, the ability to generate 10 apps and 50 iterations. The Elite Pack, at $80, comes with 1500 marbles, the ability to generate 30 apps and 150 iterations.

Although Marblism generates a lot of code, you'll have to do some manual work to customize the output. You get full ownership of the generated code and can clone the GitHub repository. Marblism also offers a one-click deployment option and support through its Discord channel.

By using AI technology, Marblism cuts down the amount of work required to get a React and Node.js app up and running so developers can concentrate on adding their own flair to the project.

Published on June 14, 2024

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