
Composes instant, customizable email replies directly in Gmail, interpreting context and tone, to save time and boost productivity.
Email Management Automated Email Response Productivity Tools

MailBuddy is a free Chrome extension that uses GPT-3.5 to compose email replies directly in your Gmail inbox. It's designed to free up time spent on email, which accounts for about 28% of work time, according to some estimates.

MailBuddy can handle any type of email, including questions, follow-ups and corporate communications. It reads the previous message, interprets the context, and then composes a response. You can get a reply in 5 seconds. You can also tell the extension what to write, controlling factors like tone, style and content.

Among MailBuddy's features:

  • Instant replies: Composes responses based on the email context.
  • Customizable responses: Tells the extension what you want to say, how you want to say it and what tone you want to convey.
  • Built into Gmail: Composes replies in the browser without requiring a separate window or login to a separate service.
  • Quality control: You can edit or re-generate replies to ensure you're happy with the final product.

MailBuddy is free to use and requires no training or setup. It doesn't collect personal data or require account permissions. The extension is designed to be easy to use, so anyone looking to free up time can use it. You can visit the website to install the extension and start using it immediately.

Published on June 13, 2024

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