
Access industry insights and knowledge through collaborative articles powered by AI, and stay updated with live videos, stories, and newsletters.
Professional Networking Job Search Assistance Learning Management Systems

LinkedIn is a professional network designed to help you manage your professional identity, stay connected to your network and access knowledge, insights and opportunities. With more than 1 billion members, it's a big place to find people to help you get ahead.

Some of the key features of LinkedIn include:

  • Collaborative Articles: Industry experts contribute insights directly into articles, powered by AI.
  • Job Search: Look for jobs or internships in many fields, with category-based search suggestions.
  • Job Posting: Post jobs for millions of people to see.
  • Software Discovery: Connect with buyers who have used products firsthand to find the right products for your needs, including e-commerce platforms, CRM software and project management tools.
  • Games: Take a break and connect with your network through daily games like Pinpoint, Queens and Crossclimb.
  • Open To Work: Indicate privately or publicly that you're open to new job opportunities.
  • Industry Updates: Stay up to date with live videos, stories, newsletters and other content that reflects the latest conversations in your industry.
  • Learning Platform: Take more than 15,000 courses in subjects like business analysis, project management, marketing and AI.

LinkedIn is for anyone who wants to navigate their professional life, whether you're looking for coworkers or classmates, a new job or relevant courses and training. It's a big professional community where you can deepen relationships, stay up to date and acquire new skills.

Published on June 15, 2024

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