
Automatically generates marketing materials from podcast episodes, including transcripts, subtitles, summaries, and social media posts, to increase visibility and engagement.
Content Generation Podcast Optimization Automated Marketing

LemonSpeak is intended to let podcasters free up time by automatically generating marketing materials based on their podcast episodes. The tool is designed to help a podcast get more visibility on the web by creating content that makes it more findable.

When you upload an episode, you'll get a variety of content:

  • Transcript: A text version of the podcast you can use for blog posts, show notes or accessibility.
  • Subtitles: Automatically generated subtitles.
  • Summary: A short summary you can use for show notes or episode descriptions.
  • Show Notes: A longer description that includes highlights, guest biographies and call-to-actions.
  • Episode Titles: Search engine optimization and user engagement optimized titles.
  • Blog Post: A full article about the episode in the user's voice.
  • Tweets: Short messages for social media.
  • Q&A + Polls: Open-ended questions and polls for audience engagement.
  • Chapters: A segmented version of the episode for easy navigation.
  • Quotes: Eye-catching quotes from the podcast.

LemonSpeak is geared for podcasters who don't have time for marketing. By automating content generation, users can focus on other aspects of their show while still promoting their episodes. The tool currently supports English and German languages and is designed to be easy to use, requiring a minimum of interaction after uploading the episode.

Pricing isn't clear, but you can sign up for free. Payments are processed by Stripe. Although LemonSpeak is geared for podcasts, you can use its transcription and summary features for other audio content, too.

Published on June 13, 2024

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