
Automatically generate API endpoints from SQL queries, deploy scalable analytics, and embed interactive visualizations with a lightweight, modular framework.
Embedded Analytics API Integration Data Visualization

Latitude is an open-source embedded analytics framework that's geared for developers and that can be easily integrated with databases or data warehouses with SQL and lightweight frontend components.

Latitude is designed to help developers overcome the difficulties of building analytics directly into applications. It offers a simple way to generate API endpoints from SQL queries and to embed interactive visualizations either natively or with an iframe.

Some of its features include:

  • SQL-to-API: Automatically generate API endpoints for SQL queries so they can be easily consumed by frontend applications.
  • Zero-config deployments: Deploy embedded analytics to production with a single command, with infrastructure automatically provisioned to be performant and scalable.
  • Parameterized SQL: Control permissions and scope variables with SQL query parameters, which are then exposed as HTTP query parameters.
  • Built-in cache layer: Caching is built in for fast load times.
  • Modular queries: Build and reuse SQL queries for better analytics organization and maintainability.

Latitude can be used with a variety of databases and even local CSV files through a configuration file. It also comes with native frontend components, including support for React and upcoming support for Svelte and Vue. A Svelte-based layout engine also lets you build standalone frontend applications, and you can extend with Typescript.

Latitude is free, since it's open-source software, and that means it's cheap for developers to use for adding analytics abilities to their apps.

With Latitude, developers can build analytics layers that are powerful, scalable and customizable to improve user experiences.

Published on June 14, 2024

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