
Protect sensitive data and API keys with zero-trust access, reducing exposure risk and streamlining secure API development and integration for teams.
API Security Zero-Trust Architecture DevSecOps Efficiency

KeyRunner is a zero-trust API client designed to protect sensitive data and API keys. It helps to address the problem of leaked credentials that are involved in 80% of breaches, by reducing the amount of access that humans have to these sensitive elements. KeyRunner is designed for teams to perform a variety of tasks without having to manually enter secret keys or API keys, thereby reducing the risk of exposure.

Some of the key features include:

  • Powerful Dashboards: Data visualization to troubleshoot issues and downtime.
  • App to App Connections: Security verification for app-app integrations that involve non-human identities.
  • Alerts & Notifications: Alerts and notifications to catch potential issues before they become problems.
  • OOB Connectors: Out-of-box connectors to fetch and use secrets.

KeyRunner also includes a Playground feature to help you test and integrate complex scenarios, grouping related requests into collections and minimizing the attack surface. This approach helps you test in a structured way without having to manually enter secrets and keys.

KeyRunner is useful for teams that need to integrate and develop APIs securely. It generates keys on the fly and retrieves them to make requests. Running regression tests without having to manually enter sensitive data also helps to improve the security of your application.

KeyRunner also includes OAuth Access Token Lifecycle Oversight, which monitors the issuance, use and revocation of tokens to keep your APIs secure. It also helps you monitor your application integrations, especially app-to-app.

If you want to try KeyRunner, you can download the VS Code Extension for Windows or Mac. KeyRunner is a patent-pending tool, and its design is focused on local storage and zero sign-up. Its interface is designed to help you optimize DevSecOps efficiency by monitoring, testing and other use cases.

Check out the KeyRunner website for more information.

Published on June 14, 2024

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