
Automates config management with AI-powered accuracy, ensuring error-free deployments and eliminating misconfigurations across multiple tools and environments.
Configuration Management DevOps Automation Cloud Security Solutions

CloudTruth is a Configuration Data Platform that helps you get rid of misconfigurations, so you can have a single source of truth for your secrets and config data. It uses AI to automate and orchestrate config management, and it can span multiple tools and environments. CloudTruth helps DevOps and engineering teams manage complex variables and secrets without introducing errors, outages and security risks.

Key Features:

  • Config & Secrets Copilot: AI-powered config management for accurate deployments.
  • Scheduled Secret Rotations: Automates secret updates for better security.
  • Centralized Compliance: Tracks regulatory compliance with RBAC and audit trails.
  • Accurate Config Every Deploy: No config errors or inconsistencies.
  • Integration with CI/CD and IaC Tools: Integrates with Terraform, Kubernetes, GitHub and more.

CloudTruth is designed to increase productivity, decrease risk and speed up team onboarding by automating tedious work and providing a single source of truth for config and secrets. The platform is useful for software engineers, DevOps teams and CISOs looking to improve their operations and ensure the integrity of their configurations.

The pricing model is designed to be flexible:

  • Startups & Small Teams: $100 per month for up to 3 team members, with additional users at $20 each.
  • Larger Teams & Enterprise: Custom pricing for unlimited team members, with additional features like Role-Based Access Control and self-hosted options.

CloudTruth integrates with a broad range of tools, including AWS, Azure, GitHub and more, so it can accommodate a variety of infrastructure and application environments. By using CloudTruth, teams can streamline their config management and avoid costly errors, making it a good choice for companies looking to improve their DevOps and security.

Published on June 19, 2024

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