
Schedules meetings 100 times faster than conventional methods, automating calendar management and email drafting with AI-assisted technology.
Calendar Management Automated Email Drafting Meeting Scheduling

Ipso is an AI-based calendar management tool for professionals and their assistants to manage calendars and draft emails. By tapping into the power of ChatGPT, Ipso promises to speed up the process of scheduling meetings by a factor of 100.

Here are some of the key features of Ipso:

  • AI-assisted calendar management: Uses artificial intelligence to schedule meetings.
  • Automated email drafting: Drafts emails so you don't have to spend as much time communicating about meetings.
  • Time-saving abilities: Schedules meetings 100 times faster than conventional methods.

Ipso is for individuals and businesses looking to automate calendar management tasks. It's not designed to meet industry-specific regulations like HIPAA or GLBA, but it's fine for those who don't need that.

Ipso pricing isn't clearly disclosed, but the company accepts credit card payments. You can buy services or subscriptions on the site, and sales tax will be added as needed. You can cancel subscriptions at any time, but the change will take effect at the end of the current paid period.

Ipso could be useful for anyone who has to juggle multiple calendars and meetings. Automating email drafting and using AI for scheduling can help people get more done in less time. But as with any tool, you're responsible for making sure it's legal to use in your jurisdiction.

You can check the Ipso site for details on how to get started with the service.

Published on June 14, 2024

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