Unlock global customer insights with accurate IP-based geolocation data, including country, region, city, latitude, and longitude, for targeted marketing and security.
Geolocation Services IP Address Analysis Content Personalization

IP-API offers a broad range of Geo IP location features that let you know where your customers are, no matter where they are in the world, with IP-based geolocation data. The service provides accurate, reliable and detailed information about IP addresses, including country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ISP and more. This information can be used for regional analysis, security, ad targeting, DRM, content personalization and geofencing.

Some of the key features of IP-API include:

  • Accurate Geolocation: Know where your customers are, anywhere in the world, with IP addresses.
  • Easy Integration: Get IP location data with our easy to use JSON API.
  • Security: Protect your data with HTTPS/SSL encryption.
  • Comprehensive Network Data: Get detailed ISP and ASN information for any IP address.
  • Geotargeting: Use IP geolocation for targeted ads, content personalization and geofencing.
  • Global Reach: Expand your business globally with Geo IP data.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Increase conversion rates with localized content and dynamic pricing.
  • Automated User Experience: Automate form completion with accurate geolocation data.
  • Security Insights: Identify VPNs, proxies and bots.

The API has a simple interface with easy to use endpoints to get client IP information and specific IP details. API responses are returned in a JSON object structure, including the IP addresses queried, suspicious factors and location data including country, city, latitude, longitude and timezone.

IP-API supports many programming languages including Node.js, jQuery, React, Fetch, React-Query, PHP, Python, Ruby, Kotlin and Java, with examples for each.

Pricing is not clearly listed. Customers should check the IP-API website for more information on available plans and what features are included with each.

IP-API is a trusted solution for thousands of businesses, providing a simple way to add geolocation data to your application. The service is great for businesses that want to personalize user experience, improve security and target their marketing.

Published on July 6, 2024

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