
Instantly verify identities with accuracy in under a second, leveraging barcode scanning, facial match recognition, and risk scoring to prevent fraud and account takeovers.
Identity Verification Fraud Detection Automated Onboarding

Intellicheck offers a frictionless identity verification and onboarding experience without the hassle of manual processes. The platform offers fast and accurate identity validation, allowing businesses to verify anyone, anywhere, in less than a second.

Intellicheck offers a variety of features to support different industries, including automotive, title insurance, retail and ecommerce, and banking and fintech. Its fraud detection technology instantly validates identities to protect accounts and prevent fraud. The platform also supports account onboarding to ensure a seamless and secure experience for customers.

The platform works with a three-step process:

  1. Scan: Validate IDs using the barcode, bypassing OCR and human-assisted validation.
  2. Analyze: Evaluate the authenticity of the ID and compare the presented information to a comprehensive set of proprietary and third-party signals.
  3. Results: Provide a detailed fraud and risk assessment in less than a second.

Intellicheck's system is hardware-agnostic and flexible, so businesses can easily integrate it into their existing processes without any extra setup or maintenance costs. This approach ensures instant validation, minimizing the risk of human error and false positives.

Some of the benefits of Intellicheck include:

  • Industry-leading counterfeit detection: Identifies counterfeits through barcode scanning.
  • Facial match recognition: Verifies the person presenting the ID is the same as the one in the document.
  • Risk scoring: Performs risk assessments through third-party data.
  • Trends and analytics reports: Offers shareable, accurate reports on transactions and trends.

Intellicheck offers multiple access methods to accommodate different business needs, including mobile, portal, direct and capture modes. This allows companies to pick the best method for their operations and customer interactions.

Intellicheck is well-suited for businesses looking to improve their identity verification processes, particularly those that handle large volumes of customer onboarding, transactions or account access. By validating IDs, Intellicheck helps protect businesses and their customers from fraud and account takeovers.

Published on August 10, 2024

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