
AI-powered workspaces and data flow streamline product development from idea validation to execution, making it more efficient and collaborative.
Product Development Collaborative Innovation AI-Powered Workflow Management

Inodash is a collaborative tool that helps teams build and validate products and services with AI-powered workspaces and data flow. It covers the entire product development process from idea validation to execution, making it a more streamlined and efficient process.

Inodash uses AI to turn ideas into concrete results, helping teams generate and validate hypotheses for strong business models. This tool is geared towards collaborative innovation, with built-in tools, tips and video tutorials to help teams unlock the creative potential of their members.

Some of the key features of Inodash include:

  • AI Assisted: Co-creates ideas and turns them into concrete results.
  • Data Driven: Uses data-driven insights and expert advice for validation.
  • Collaborative: Offers a variety of boards and canvases for team collaboration.
  • Templates & Canvases: Includes 20 templates and canvases for different stages of product development.
  • Task Management: Allows for task management through adding, assigning and prioritizing.

Inodash comes with a range of templates and canvases to help with the product market fit process. Some of these include:

  • Problem Mapping: Identifies problems and areas for improvement.
  • Persona Creation: Creates detailed customer profiles.
  • Customer Journey Map: Illustrates user experiences.
  • Persona Interview Management: Organizes and analyzes customer interviews.
  • Value Proposition Canvas: Creates robust business models.
  • Business Model Canvas: Simplifies business model creation.
  • Lean Canvas: Offers a lightweight canvas for business model creation.
  • Innovative Idea Axis: Creates innovative business ideas.

The platform also includes key features for product-market fit, including collaboration, MVP creation and task management. Users can easily manage tasks, track progress and prioritize with labels.

Inodash offers a free plan and three paid tiers: Starter, Business, and Enterprise. Pricing is as follows:

  • Free: $0, available for everyone, with unlimited projects and 10 AI assistance tokens per project.
  • Starter: $39/mo, for individuals, with unlimited admin users and 3 AI assistance tokens per project.
  • Business: $399/mo, for startups, with unlimited dashboard and data export.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for large organizations.

Inodash is designed to make product validation easier and accelerate innovation. By combining AI and collaborative tools, it helps teams create better outputs and achieve a successful product-market fit faster.

Published on June 14, 2024

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